“At COOPER GENERAL GLOBAL SERVICES we believe every company should do its part to PROTECT OUR environment. For this simple reason CGGS is COMMITTED to BEING “GREEN” and exhibiting responsible practices to protect our environment as we strive to be a leader while setting an example for all companies
on a global stage.”
Our Recycling efforts conserved these Resources:
839,866 kW-hrs of electricity
Enough to power 67 homes for a full year
761 mature trees
Enough to produce 9,740,800 sheets of newspaper
267,256 gallons of water
Enough to meet the fresh water needs of 3,563 people for a year
1,553 cubic yards of landfill airspace
Enough airspace to meet the disposal needs of a community of 16,260 people
429 metric tons (mTC02E) of GHG Emissions
The recycling of these materials prevented these GHG emissions!
Interested In Learning More About Us?
Fill out the form below. Our operational hours are 7 AM -3:35 PM, Phone #: (305) 418-4440